Today is one of those Tuesdays where we have therapy, orchestra, and then a game. Normally, it’s busy but doable, but today MTG is doing worky things, so I’m flying solo. I have to have Sprite to the ball field 45 minutes from Little Miss’s orchestra 30 minutes before I need to pick up the […]
Because today is Terrible Tuesday, we didn’t wake up all the kids for the lunar eclipse, just Little Miss, our budding astronomer. We’ve got 3 other shots at a lunar eclipse over the next 18 months. If you slept in, it looked like something this: Very tired links. Calling out the trolls. Lots of wisdom […]
Both the month and the person. One minute, we’re trucking along at a decent pace, the next I’m standing in the midst of chaos. Schedules, plans, lofty goals? All laying around looking punch drunk. Really, April? Dust yourself off links! “You’re Still Here?”: A Brief History of the Post-Movie Credits Sequence. Bees are getting poisoned […]
Yes, it’s April fool’s day. Yes, you’re very clever and funny with all your tricks and pranks. Don’t even think about it. I’m-watching-you links! A Little Typographical Rant. Preach! How to use worm poop (in your garden.) It also boosts up the health and functioning of your reproductive organs. viagra free Here at this […]
Anyone else need a nap? Doesn’t a nap sound lovely? Let’s cancel our plans for today and nap. We can do that, right? Wishful thinking links! Evil walks the streets of Staten Island. Don’t click on this if you have clown phobia. I apologize in advance for the nightmares. Speaking of apologizing in advance, I’m […]
We spent last week cleaning, reorganizing, and painting. One of our painting projects was the girls room. The girls have a lot of stuff. A lot of little stuff: craft stuff, stuffed stuff, papers, memorabilia, etc. etc. It’s one thing to haul all that stuff out in big heaps and stash in a corner. It’s […]
Day two of spring cleaning continues apace. Today we conquer the front garden beds and try to repair the some of the damage from our plumbing conundrum last week. Fortunately, it’s a nice day for it. Shiny clean and organized links! Spaced-Out Challenge Messier Guide, Part 2. Beautiful: Reaching my autistic son through Disney. Woohoo! […]
I stepped off a step wrong and did something to my ankle. I don’t think it’s sprained because it isn’t swollen. Pulled my Achilles tendon maybe? Achilles, you scurvy dog. Whatever it is, it both hurts and hinders my ability to get around. And I really need to be able to get on Tuesdays, especially […]
For a short month, February sure is long. Unadorned links! The Spaced-Out Challenge that ate Manhattan. It’s very big. Mother’s milk made to order for boys and girls. Got an important decision to make? Dim the lights. From the Stuff Christians Like Pinterest Board. It is necessary to have living sperms to get pregnant for […]
Bulldozer turns 9 today. Nine! How did that even happen? It. Goes. So. Fast. He’s getting a Kindle for his birthday. He knows he’s getting it, and he even picked out the case for it, but I told him if doesn’t act surprised I won’t give it to him. We have to maintain our little […]