Uncooperative computer, delayed day because of freezing rain, general mayhem. This day mocks my plans. FINE! Roll-with-the-punches links! A bittersweet story about a man who has fed thousands and thousands of people in Houston for three decades. I really hope someone(s) step up to take his place. “Schooling ain’t learning.” Although this is talking specifically […]
We’ve been in my hometown of Odessa the past few days, but now we’re headed home. In fact, we should be precisely in the middle of nowhere right about now. Endless horizon links! Oh, scientists, never change: Peanut butter and jelly fish! The definition of “off the rails”: a primary school in England suspended a […]
Sunday, the highs were in the mid-70s. Yesterday the lows were in the high-20s. It’ll be in the 60s again by Thursday. We may get snow next week. It’s making me woozy. Hot and cold links! Speaking of cold, a neurobiologist thinks central heating may contribute to obesity. Hmm. Homeschool Barbie! I giggled. A British […]
For over a month, I have been putting off cleaning my guest room/office. It was a mess before the holidays, but it also becomes a storeroom during Christmas as we shove extra boxes and whatnot (lots of whatnot) in there. It is, to put it bluntly, a disaster zone. Moreover, there are some important papers […]
I have a dream that a huge winter storm comes and cancels all of our appointments and games and activities and what have you for two weeks. And then I wake up and remember I live in Texas. Oh well. We’re busy, but it was 70 degrees this weekend. It’s all about the trade-offs. Dealing-with-it […]
The good news is we got the gas leak fixed and the permit issued yesterday. The bad news is apparently the permit office didn’t get the permit to the gas company, or possibly they did, but it didn’t make it through the system to actually get our gas turned back on. The upside is that […]
Anyone else glad to see this year in the rear view? Space links! Did you get a telescope for Christmas? Are you wondering, “What now?” Well, wonder no more! The Spaced-Out Challenge tells you how and where to begin exploring the universe. Sign up for alerts from NASA to see when the space station flies […]
Just a few more hours in which to cram your last minute preparations. I still have some last minute shopping, God help me. It’s not too much, though and or at *gulp* a mall. Other than those last few items, everything is wrapped, which frankly is kinda huge for me. Less than one day ’til […]
One more week until Christmas. Are you ready? Am I ready? Evading the question links! Gmail users, change your settings to keep marketers (and others) from snooping. Why the State of the Union is a bad idea. Whatever it once was, it’s now just a political speech, given before a perfectly staged and captive audience. […]
Texas needs to get its act together and warm up. This is ridiculous. The main problem is that houses in Texas are built to stay cool in hot weather. This is great during our 8 months of summer, but right now it’s working against us. Add to that the fact I made a bunch of […]