It’s cold and dark and all I want to do is sleep all day. I should have been a bear. Hibernation links! ‘Tis the season of Advent and here are some freebies to help you have a Christ-centered Christmas. (Yes, Advent started Sunday, but it’s only day 3. You can totally catch up.) Surviving “Christmas […]
It’s baking day! Pecan pie, apple pie, French Silk pie, and cranberry bread are on the agenda. We’ll also be participating in the greatest of all Thanksgiving traditions: exploding cranberries. Preparatory links! We saw Day of the Doctor on the big screen last night. It. Was. Awesome. Take a quiz to find out which Doctor […]
A couple of weeks ago, I announced an end to our hideously Terrible Tuesdays as we dropped a speech therapy session and Sprite’s softball. This week we have to have speech today because of a field trip on Thursday. So while it’s not hideous, it’s still a pretty darn ugly Tuesday. Tuesdays are the days […]
You know how you get a little bit behind? Just a bit, no big deal. Half an hour max would set you straight. But then you get a little bit behind in something else. Then something else falls behind. And something else, etc., etc., etc. At this point, I’m going to need a new month. […]
Today is the last softball game of the season and the last day of Tuesday speech therapy sessions for the year. That means starting next week we’ll only have occupational therapy and orchestra. Snoopy dance! Final-push links! Ultimate reading list for kids 9-14. I would note that a lot of these are good books for […]
We’ve been having some issues with our van for a while now, but we think we’ve finally figured it out. We replaced the whatchamacallit for $80. That helped but didn’t solve it completely, so we bought a $20 whatsit, but that wasn’t the main problem, even though we needed to replace it. So we got […]
Last week, Little Miss was discharged from occupational therapy, which means we have an extra hour on Tuesday. Sure, we still have 2 hours of OT, an hour of speech therapy, one and a half hours for orchestra, a softball game, and four hours of driving, but one whole hour! It’s the little things. Links! […]
(This post contains affiliated links.) House of Hades, book 4 of The Heroes of Olympus series comes out today. My girls are huge fans of Rick Riordan and have read the entire Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, The Kane Chronicles, and are now on the Heroes of Olympus. Waiting a full year for this […]
Tuesdays have been pretty intense this fall, with 3 hours of occupational therapy, an hour of speech therapy, and one and a half hours of Orchestra, not to mention the 2 to 3 hours of driving. Just to keep things interesting, we’ve decided to throw in a softball game every Tuesday for the next month. […]
I got nothing. Links! Raise a glass to Claude Shannon, Jr. , the genius no one’s heard of but whose work you’re benefiting from right now. There ought to be no law. From the little I’ve read, the law isn’t as awful as it could be, but talk about a camel’s nose in the door. […]