Muppets! Best. Video. Ever. ht: Allahpundit @ Hot Air
Little Miss, my oldest daughter, the child who is frighteningly like me, said that she had lots of friends in books. She has friends in England and friends in China, friends from 1609 and friends who travel through time. It made my heart happy and I still have a silly grin on my face. All […]
This post contains affiliated links. On November 22, 1963, the same day John F. Kennedy was assassinated, C.S. Lewis died*. Lewis is one of my favorite authors. Oh, who am I kidding, he is my favorite author. I love it all, I quote him to the point of annoying people. I’d call my dog Jack […]
Tonight, we joined with some other families for a bonfire. The whole shebang: hot dogs, s’mores, singing. The air was crisp, the conversation was good, and the songs were known. A good time was had by all. I’m thankful for the family that so generously opened their home to such a large gathering of so […]
I’m thankful that I’m mature enough that when I realized that I had missed the thankful post for yesterday (at around 12:30 a.m.), I did not get up and put up a random post and set the time for Thursday, November 19. Because I am not that obsessive. Sure, I thought, “Put up the Buffy […]
Woo-hoo! I won The Early Years: A Charlotte Mason Preschool Handbook from Simply Charlotte Mason. Pulmonary hypertension leads india levitra to exercise intolerance which can progress to heart failure. Some people might accept it and move one, but others can log online and buy anti ED medicines and you could even make use of the […]
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I’m thankful most of all for coffee. Here are 15ish fun facts about coffee, hit CTET Certification: levitra without rx CTET or Central Teacher’s Eligibility Test is conducted twice a year by the Central Government. This popular and effective erectile dysfunction medicine is now available at internet-based pharmacies, so if a person feels shy asking […]
Which is new to me, church wise. I’ve never attended a church where the pastor consistently preached expositorily, at least not as the primary method of preaching. The preachers at the churches I’ve gone to have, for the most part, preached topically. And don’t misunderstand, I have sat under some wonderful teachers and preachers. But […]
Cool. Powerful. (You gotta watch til at least a minute before it gets going.) Necessary.