Thanksgiving is upon us, and I am in no way ready. Isn’t that exciting? Making my shopping list, I notice that the store has yams on sale. Except they don’t. The reason that you can buy generic pills men don t require recommendation & Penegra 100mg online is a great brand which is available in […]
On Halloween night, stores across the country were busy putting up Christmas trees and restocking shelves with all manner of Christmas paraphernalia. On November 1, the Christmas began. A couple of days ago, I passed a country club adorned with Christmas wreaths and a 30 foot Christmas tree on a busy street corner. Stores had […]
It is a wonderful thing for a corporation to donate money to feed the poor. Excellent, magnificent, fabulous, yay corporate philanthropy. Woot! But. . These herbs are generally marketed as “Herbal levitra buy generic ” to the western world and come in pill forms as well to rival the ED giants. So friends here were […]
Thankful for my family, for my wonderful for husband and amazing children.Thankful for my extended family, that there is love and respect and a minimum of drama.Thankful for my new niece and her amazingly beautiful mom (her dad’s okay, too.)Thankful for friends.Thankful for freedoms.Thankful for those who serve to ensure those freedoms.Thankful for books.Thankful for […]
Why is it my mother can lay down for a nap and pop up, without an alarm, 20 minutes later refreshed and revived, but when I lay down for a nap, I emerge from my cave three hours later groggy and mumbling about coffee? It can’t be the turkey, that was over two days ago. […]