I know that sounds very obvious, but I’ve been thinking a great deal (for a number of different reasons and in different circumstances) about Charlotte Mason’s wonderful observations, “Children are born people.” My reading today in A Year with C.S. Lewis(af) is from one of my favorite essays (in my favorite collection of essays) […]
From time to time, I ask myself this question: “What am I wrong about?” I have decided, for example, that I am wrong about insisting sentences not end with prepositions. This is a difficult, if not impossible, question to answer. Because if I knew what I was wrong about, I’d change my belief to the […]
From today Table Talk devotional: “[S]in often takes things that the law says are good in themselves and deceives us into making them ultimate goods, that is idols. If we rest all our hope in achieving something that the law says is good — obedient children, a good name, and so forth — we might […]
I’ve been thinking a lot about education lately. Things like the controversy over Common Core Standards and high stakes testing, my article on education of girls in Kenya, and our own American history studies looking at self-taught geniuses such as Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas (Lincoln walking miles to borrow books, and Douglass literally risking […]
The man who was embraced and kissed by Pope Francis has spoken about the experience. I’m struck by the way Vinicia Riva talks about being touched. “He said: ‘His hands were so soft. And his smile was so clear and open. But the thing that struck me most is that there has not been thinking […]
My oldest son has auditory processing issues, and sometimes getting him to understand what we’re telling him is difficult bordering on impossible. He hears us; he just doesn’t always understand. But with Bulldozer, we know that he has difficulty understanding and so we can take steps to help him bridge that gap. I think one […]
I saw this interesting comparison of the Finnish and American educational systems posted on Facebook, which made me think of this article linked in The Transom on Monday on why so many members of Generation Y are unhappy. I don’t think the article is completely fair to that cohort. You can’t deny they’re coming […]
Like from Ashton Freaking Kutcher. Seriously, this is such a great speech filled with so much wisdom. If you’re one of the three people on the planet who hasn’t yet watched it, do so. Wasn’t that great? One of the things I found amusing is watching the reaction when someone unexpected says something profound. (And […]
I’ve been busy all day, cultivating my garden and my people, sometimes simultaneously! I am forever on the lookout for tips to making gardening work with my laissez faire style. And I’ve found some tips, like my ollas and this very cool method of irrigating with wine bottles. But the truth is, all gardening takes […]
How important is it to you that the “good guy” (whoever that may be for you) is always right? Let’s take an example from the Bible and some pretty good guys, the apostles: Before Jesus ascended into heaven, “He ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father.” […]