This past weekend we spent a lot of time organizing our homeschool stuff and throwing out a lot of old papers. OLD papers. Papers that originated in Virginia, where we haven’t lived since February 2007. Out with the old, in with …well, not a lot new. I guess technically I’m “planning” our upcoming school year, […]
A recent Gallup poll shows that 68% of Americans favor a national referendum on key issues. This is one more sign that Americans are increasingly less confident in their elected representatives’ ability or even desire to follow the will of the people. After more than two hundred years of representative democracy, dissatisfaction with our elected […]
Today is MTG’s birthday, and he’s taken the day off. We’re going to see the decidedly unfine-artsy “Star Trek: Into Darkness.” Then we’ll probably take the kids to the nature preserve or something similar, and I’ll make him a birthday cobbler. That is to say, we aren’t going to be concentrating on a lot of […]
Recently, I dealt with someone whose behavior was totally perplexing. I couldn’t figure out why they would act the way they were, putting up roadblocks for no good reason and alienating people of good will. It seemed like sheer lunacy until I got a glimpse into their motivations: they were operating from a place of […]
When we were planning the move from Virginia to Texas, I scoped out the Dallas Aroboretum on the web as a replacement for our favorite flower places The U.S. Botanic Gardens and George Washington River Farm. That was in 2007. I took the girls once on a Girl Scout field trip and then, nothing. The […]
Everything is quick in our culture. We have shortcuts for everything, from cooking to communicating. Even getting to know people has become a simple endeavor. Enter appearance, occupation, socio-economic status, residence, tweets, and whatever interests you can glean in 30 seconds into a formula and voilà! You’ve got that person all sorted out, and you […]
I’m one of those weird creatures who has homeschooled since the beginning. In fact, before we were married, I knew I wanted to homeschool my kids. So I had a longer time than many to look at what homeschooling was and how we would implement it in our family. I have, however, talked to lots […]
Today my big brother turns 42. So now he officially has the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Figures. Growing up, I thought my brother was pretty much perfect. He’s brilliant, ambitious, kind, and very likeable. It was irritating. I remember sitting in a movie theater with my little sister waiting for a movie […]
A few months ago, I reviewed the curriculum, “Economics for Everybody,” a thoroughly biblical study of economics. Now the publishers have condensed the 12 hours of video presentations by R.C. Sproul, Jr into a two-hour long presentation called “Economics Has Consequences.” It is being streamed for free on Youtube and Vimeo for this month only. […]