177 years ago today, 200 Texians fell to the much larger Mexican force after holding out for 13 days. Among the dead were legends like Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie as well as the young co-commander Col. William Travis. While looking for quotes on Texas for Texas Independence Day, I came across this quote that […]
This is my copyright disclaimer on my blog (bottom left): © April Thompson and Oddly Said, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to April Thompson […]
Last Friday we spent the day with our local homeschool group at a small zoo and then a member of the group’s ranch to do ranchy things. It was a lovely day, spoiled only by the Sprite coming to me almost in tears because, “The boys won’t stop fighting!” See them fight: This […]
Second in a sporadic series about From Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv. When I was a child, I use to roam my grandparents property, sometimes with my brother, sometimes alone or with friends. We explored four acres of West Texas wilderness, eight with my uncle’s adjoining property. There wasn’t much out there, rabbits, […]
We are in Minnesota this week visiting MTG’s family. In our over 1000 miles of driving (so far) we have seen 1,000,000 corn fields, 250,000 soybean fields, 1 sunflower field and 1 wheat field. Those first two may be slight exagerations, but the last two are cold, hard, depressing facts. Thanks, Nixon. You scurvy dog. […]
The Thompson household has been hit with a stomach bug. It’s delightful. Sprite has gone through it, Satchmo and Little Miss are down. I’m kinda hoping Bulldozer gets it and gets over with it before Thursday because that’s homeschool day at the zoo and we’ve already paid. So this Terrible Tuesday we’re actually staying put! So… […]
More so than in past years, I’ve noticed more questions from my fellow Protestants about why we would or even should observe Lent. That, of course, ties into a larger question of how and why we observe a liturgical calendar at all. And yes, even the people who just shuddered at the term “liturgical calendar” […]
January 1st has come and The Rules state you must have a New Year’s Resolution. If you’re at a loss for New Year’s Resolutions, here’s a handy list to choose from. I’m partial to “Plant a tree and then cut it down in an Arbor Day protest.” This is my resolution: To do better. That’s […]
I survived the Advent season and made it to Christmas. I know that’s the wrong attitude to take and not in all in keeping with a “prepare your heart of the coming of our Lord” attitude that Advent is supposed to represent. But honestly, the unrelenting busyness of the pre-Christmas season is almost overwhelming. I […]
First things first: Did you have a happy Thanksgiving? We had a very nice holiday with my family at my brother’s house in Houston. The kids are all far too big and my niece is a college freshman and technically an adult. That’s disturbing. Oh yes, and my nephew towers over us all. Very disturbing. […]