Wacoal is a Japanese based lingerie company. Their Thai division has produced a series of short films called, “My Beautiful Woman.” There is no lingerie, no skin, no sensuous situations, just stories of three remarkable women told from the point of view of men in their lives. Interestingly, only one of those men is a […]
I’ve watched this twice and I’ll probably watch it again. I feel bad. Schadenfreude is wrong. *evil grin.* My favorite part was when the nurse said, “In normal labor you’d be having another contraction right now.” Big burly man, “But I don’t want that!” Loss of sleep called insomnia because of the involvement of the […]
A few months ago, I reviewed the curriculum, “Economics for Everybody,” a thoroughly biblical study of economics. Now the publishers have condensed the 12 hours of video presentations by R.C. Sproul, Jr into a two-hour long presentation called “Economics Has Consequences.” It is being streamed for free on Youtube and Vimeo for this month only. […]
Except that, as homeschoolers, we’re not getting a spring break. We don’t have cello lessons or softball practice, so that’s something. We do get breaks, we just are less formal in scheduling them. For example, the great stomach bug of early February resulted in several days off. But for the rest of you on spring […]
No, not funny pictures of a cat with silly captions. The kind where you find out your cat needs his Magnificent Tail amputated a.nd then find out that may not be possible because he may have “significant heart disease.” That sort of Cat Edition. Sigh This is an all-visual Terrible Tuesday. I’ve got no energy […]
I swear, that first kid is telling the second kid the story behind Deemark Shakti Prash Erectile brokenness otherwise called weakness is the powerlessness to get and keep up viagra sildenafil an erection that lasts long enough to have sex. They are all derivatives of cialis brand online which is the premium brand. Empowr aims […]
May be wholesome for a king, but is hard on a momma. Softball and tee-ball season are upon us. That’s five practices & three games to juggle. Practice for the spring musical is in full swing, and the warm weather brings with it a plethora of outings, activities, and obligations. Additionally, I’m getting ready to […]
I have been a negligent blogger of late, posting infrequently, stealing from myself and presidents. It’s a crying shame, that’s what! However, I vow to do better. At least for a month. I’m going to make every attempt to post something (however lame or thefty) every day for the month of March. And to start […]
I hope you find it helpful. Happy New Year’s Eve Eve!
Both my boys have been sick this week. They think the best way to inform me of said sickness is to come into my room and vomit on my bed. Or, as 3 year old Satchmo said, “I burped.” I have a post about social conservatives and small government banging around in my head (making […]