Fun fact: while wild sheep shed their wool annually, domesticated sheep bred for wool don’t; the wool just keeps growing. Like so: This is Shrek, a sheep who so hated being sheared that he hid for six years. When he was finally sheared, he had produced enough wool for 20 men’s suits. Doesn’t that look […]
I’m a planner, a plotter, a strategic general in the battle of life. I plan for all contingencies, I work out every possible variation. I constantly ask “What If,” and then prepare accordingly. Also, I’m a world class worrier. I worry and fret about things that will happen, may happen and couldn’t possibly happen. I […]
So The Bulldozer’s evaluation is over. He definitely has speech delays and processing issues. Basically, they confirmed what we suspected: there is something wrong. What that something is, they don’t know. But we should put him in the full-time early education class anyway because it’s language based. And they have circle time and snack. Yay, […]
My oldest son is three. He is sweet and precocious and not for nothing called The Bulldozer on this blog. But for all his rambunctiousness, he loves to be cuddled and kissed. He will come and place his cheek in my hand for a few seconds before running off to play. We have been concerned […]