The meeting will come to order. This is an update on the plan code-named the Snare. Despite some insistence that we should use an enticing facade to lure our targets (Yes, Mr. Wonka, I see you making those faces) we decided to take a different approach. As Mr. Rochester noted, the pull of the […]
BEHOLD! I have returned! So. It’s weird trying to start blogging again after being dark for so long. The last time I posted was August. That’s forever in blog-years. I feel like I should have a long, in-depth post or big news or a new approach to blogging. But I don’t. I just want to […]
Last weekend, we went camping. Storms rolled through the area, but we only expected to get the southern edge of the storm. Fortunately, we didn’t get any severe weather. Unfortunately, we did get a steady rain that lasted all night long. Our tent is decent, but it has its limits. I woke up sometime in the […]
“What do you see?” “I see a house.” “Anyone with eyes can see a house,” the creaky voice huffed. “You are trained and gifted to see better. What do you see?” Trepidatiously, the apprentice tried again. “I see … patterns? Geometrical patterns!” “Of all the — What use is it to see patterns? What […]
The researcher gingerly lifted the diminutive disc from the crate of Minoan artifacts. He was holding a link to a world 5,000 years removed. Perhaps it had been used to seal treaties or declarations of war or negotiations for alliances. Think of all the history he held in his hand! . . . “You cheat!” […]
“To Peter 2017 from Peter 2053, Codeword: cacoethes. I’m taking a great risk, mucking with the timeline like this. You haven’t even finished the machine I’ve just sent back to you. But don’t do it. Don’t go back. Don’t go forward. Destroy both machines. No matter how you try to avoid it, you will […]
He was, without question, the world’s best thief. Of course, no one knew. If they knew, he wouldn’t be the world’s best thief. But he’d almost ruined everything when that red-headed girl started asking questions. Now there were road blocks and alerts about a dark figure on a bike and snow that would leave tracks. Jimmie […]
“I can’t believe you’re doing this, man.” “Haven’t you ever been in love? Sometimes you gotta make grand gestures.” “She is so out of your league. “Be cool! She’s coming!” The young prairie dogs watched as the grasses on the edge of the field stirred. A flash of tan showed over the brush. As […]
The inspiration: Her mother’s words still rang in her ears, “If you go Beyond, you can never come back!” It wasn’t a threat; it was just reality. No one who had crossed the bridge ever came back. The mountain was her home. On it and in it were family and friends and peace. Every […]
She went about her preparations calmly while her aunts berated and pleaded in turns. “You can’t go to the beach alone; it’s improper!” Book tucked in the corner of her bag. “Who will prepare our tea?” Sunglasses slipped between the folds of the towel. “There are strange and forward men there that you aren’t […]