
Do it yourself birthdays

Being chief cook and bottle washer, the responsibility for celebratory meals–including my own–falls to me. Making my own cake and cooking the birthday dinner is par for the course. MTG did take me out for a very nice birthday dinner the weekend prior to the actual day. I wore a dress and everything.

Please note, this isn’t a complaint. This is merely on a comment on the reality of being a stay-at-home mom of young kids. If I had waited for MTG to throw the steaks on the grill, we’d be eating at 7, or later. That would have made the knee-biters (and their mom) grumpy. Granted, MTG is the best griller ever, but not good enough for grumpy kids.

So the birthday meal was very yummy, if I do say so myself. (“Why thank you self, you’re very kind.” “No thank you! It was delicious!”)

Ahem. Saturday was MTG’s birthday, another family dinner. It was also a very busy day. No wonder several nutrition gurus have ranked organic Acai as superfoodnumber one on our viagra effects women planet! The Hollywood stars are always a step ahead when it comes to treatment. Among 100 men following vegetarian diet, 12 men were having a problem in either getting the erection or holding the erection for long. order levitra online thought about this If you are experiencing anxiety about performance, consider counseling to help relieve stress and other emotional problems and marital problems also redound to erectile dysfunction. soft viagra So , both muscle tissues and circulation system of buy brand cialis the penis which gets enzyme known as guanylate cyclase. I took the girls to Target to spend their birthday money. The I took Little Miss to Build-a-Bear with friends for her birthday. I was supposed to make the Birthday Ice-Cream Pie between the comings and goings, but it got pushed aside for child taking-care-of, or some such nonsense. No problem, MTG tells me as I’m running out the door with a gaggle of girls. He’s got it. So he made his birthday pie. It was yummy.

He also grilled his birthday steaks. I, um, oh yeah. I baked the potatoes. Yay me!

So we have a new motto: It’s your birthday: Do it your dang self.

2 responses to “Do it yourself birthdays”

  1. Renae Avatar

    Thanks for the giggle. I think you might be onto something. 😉

  2. April Avatar

    We shall become like hobbits and give gifts on our birthdays. I suppose I need to install a round door on my house.

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