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Empty Shelf Challenge: Crazy Love

The third book on my shelf is another book for the Mother-Daughter book club/project/thing* I’m doing with my daughters. I really need to finish some of the others or this shelf will be all about them. Which I guess wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Before I get to the book, I thought I’d back up and explain the reading project that I’m doing with my girls. My oldest daughter is now 13. Something about having a teenager brings into stark relief just how little time you have with your children. In less than 5 years, my daughter may be away from home at college or in Africa or wherever. Not here, in my home, where I can see her and encourage her and speak into her life every day.

Pause for a moment while I regroup. *sniff*

Anyway, time’s a wastin’ is my point. Realizing that the days are short and I need to take advantage of the time I have with them, I wanted to do something that would have both lasting and immediate impact. My job as their mother isn’t just to make sure I delivered a healthy, well-educated person to the door of adulthood. I have the opportunity, the blessing, and the duty not only to help them become who God calls them to be, but also to encourage them to live for God now, to use their gifts — and grow those gifts — now.

My thought was to read and study with them a variety of books that will inspire, encourage, and challenge them over these next few years. We started with Do Hard Things and then read Joni. It will be no surprise that I am also being inspired, encouraged, and challenged.

Okay, now the next book, which is a kindle edition. So…

Crazy Love 2

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Title: Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

Author: Francis Chan with Danae Yankoski

What it’s about: From the preface, “This book is written for those who want more Jesus. It is for those who are bored with what American Christianity offers. It is for those who don’t want to plateau, those who would rather die before their convictions do.” It is an examination of what our lives ought to be by the light of the Word of God.

Why I chose this book for my daughters to read: I think there’s a real danger for children who grow up in Christian homes is to settle for living a “good life” or to not realize how radical and life-changing a life in Christ ought to be — life changing even for those who grow up surrounded by the gospel and taught about Jesus from a young age. I want to challenge their understanding of what it means to be a Christian and encourage them to live for Christ with abandon.

What I got out of it: Talk about being challenged. I would say the number one thing this book did was to strip away all of those excuses and interpretations of the Bible that allow me to say a life barely different from the life of an unbeliever is an acceptable life for a Christian. It’s still working on me. I keep returning to the chapter on being obsessed, and I’m convicted anew. We will be reading this together in February, so I’m sure I’ll get even more out of it on re-reading.

Where you can get it: Here! (af) There’s also a workbook for small group & individual study that I may get. I’m not sure yet.

* Suggestions for a better name or descriptor than “Mother-Daughter book club/project/thing” are greatly appreciated.

2 responses to “Empty Shelf Challenge: Crazy Love”

  1. Cindy Watson Avatar
    Cindy Watson

    Colin really recommends that book. I need to read it.

    1. April Avatar

      It’s very challenging. I’d recommend it for everyone.

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