My fourth book for the Empty Shelf Challenge is not part of the mother-daughter book club. Oddly, I chose this sci-fi tale because of Beth Moore.
What? Beth Moore, the bible study lady? Yes, that Beth Moore. I was feeling guilty about downloading a bunch of free kindle books that she was offering on Amazon (no longer available for free, alas.). I tweeted my book guilt, and someone asked me if the books I was feeling guilty about were the Honor Harrington books. (Another someone suggested I write a review to assuage my free-book guilt. And I will!)
Ooh! More free books! Count me in!

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While it starts slow and I wish the characters were more complex, it’s a darn good yarn and a lot of fun. It’s also a good introduction to what promises to be an interesting universe. My kindle died in the middle of the big battle scene at the end. This was me:
If you’re looking for a fun sci-fi read (for free!), this is a great book. Be warned, there are 13 books in the series, and they’re not all available free.
Where you can get it: Here! The second book, The Honor of the Queen, is also free for Kindle, though, to be honest, I was ready to buy it if it wasn’t at my library.
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