
February dolldrums

Among homeschoolers, February has a reputation for being the worst month ever. Whatever resolutions we’ve made have been broken; momentum is stalled; it’s cold and dark and miserable. Ugh. February.

winter blahs

Last week we were out of town for the first of the week. The first day after a road trip is pretty much useless for everything but laundry and searching out that thing that smells funny in the fridge. That means we had a two-day school week — not an auspicious start.
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Part of the reason February is so tough is because we’re inside more, after already being inside more than I like. While we do get nice days in our Texas winter, it is still winter. There’s only so many times I can handle the boys running laps around the house before wanting to run out the door screaming. Unfortunately, it’s too cold to run outside screaming. Fortunately, there are only 3 more weeks of this wretched month. Hot cocoa, warm quilts, and good books will help get us through. Not exactly a recipe for productivity, but survival, not productivity, is the goal.

I suspect homeschoolers aren’t the only ones who find February hard rowing. How do you handle the winter blahs?

2 responses to “February dolldrums”

  1. Mary Holley Avatar
    Mary Holley

    Celebrate Valentines all month, what else? Telling the people you love that you love them makes everybody happy. Decorating with red hearts doesn’t hurt either:)

  2. April Avatar

    For some of us, a month of Valentines would make it much, much worse.

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