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FridaySaturday Five: a meme

I’m being a joiner today and participating in the Friday Five – Things We Love About Our Kids meme. Because my kids are so wonderful. But in the spirit of non-conformity, I’m gonna post it on Saturday, because I can. (Oh, and I had to leave in the middle of typing the post yesterday.)

1. They have the best laughs. It lights up their whole being and you can’t help but laugh, too. Sometimes my cheeks hurt from laughing and smiling at them.

2. When they sing, they sing! There’s none of this namby-pamby airy whisper stuff. If you’re going to sing belt it out.

3. They tell the worst jokes. Really, really bad jokes. Then they laugh like hyenas. It’s great!

4. Everybody’s a friend, even if they don’t know their names. Except for the Gigglemeister, he’s not too sure about you people.

5. The plunge into the world of imagination head first and revel in it. Their fairy lands are charming and delightful and every so often, I get to play, too.

3 responses to “FridaySaturday Five: a meme”

  1. Carrie Avatar

    and they can bring you to a halt with there insane insightfulness

  2. justenough Avatar

    ‘He’s not sure about you people.” That made me crack up. That was my daughter for a long, long time.

    Thanks for sharing the love this weekend. Our kids deserve it!

  3. April Avatar

    Well, sis, I had to limit it to five. Perhaps I should have said the Saturday Six?

    Your welcome, Tammy. Thanks for the great meme.

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