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Getting around to the Green Hour

So we finally did our Green Hour Challenge, assignment 1. Yes, I know everyone else is on Green Hour 27, but we’re doing it now. I hate to conform. So we went outside, we looked, we splashed, we threw rocks.

There is a very nice nature preserve about 10 minutes from us. We headed off for a very quick, short, half hour tops visit. Okay, so it was more like an hour and a half. But we had to go down by the creek. And then we had to take off our shoes and wriggle them in the water. And we had to throw about a million rocks into the creek. Gigglemeister especially liked throwing rocks and would have headed downstream if I hadn’t had a firm grip on his overalls. I love overalls for toddlers: the best handle ever.

Yes, the Sprite wore a dress to go on our nature walk. She’d wear a dress 24/7 if she could. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have the knack of wearing a dress modestly, especially not while climbing trees and hanging upside down.

We spent a good half hour just watching the creek and listening to her babble. Of course, with my noisy boys, we scared most animals away, but we did hear a few birds. There was a very pretty blooming tree that the girl’s want to investigate further. I had the Sprite take a picture to help us identify it when we got home, since I was busy saving the Gigglemeister from taking a dunk.

What do you think?
It’s a small tree or maybe a bush with purplish petals in small clusters. Yeah, I got nothing. This cGMP enzyme allows men to achieve an cheap viagra erection when aroused. Tadaga Strong is good to take in case you have to drive at home or sildenafil canada pharmacy carry out any such essential tasks. Tinnitus in this case is not a disease but a group of conditions, which are characterized by bloating feelings, and some patients are check out description cialis levitra viagra suffering from testicular discomfort or pain. Such type of cialis canadian generic pharmacies are to be avoided on this diet. If it’s still blooming when we go back next week, I’ll try again. Meantime, the girl’s tell me if we just google “purple flowers,” we’ll find it. Ah, the optimism of youth!

Then we decided to go off the paved path on a new explore. Well, new for us. Gigglemeister decide to stop and throw every rock he found exactly one foot. But finally we found a nice little pond where a nice mallard and his mrs. were taking a paddle ’round the pond. We also saw about a dozen turtles sunning themselves on a couple of logs. We tried to make our way to get a closer shot, but thorns thwarted us. That, and our melodious meanderings weren’t appealing to turtles, and they bailed on their sunbathing. I wonder if these turtles are related to the rescued beastie from down the road? These turtle are our second investigation, and we’ll be heading to the library soon for a turtle book. If we can find one in the wild (not a nature preserve, but somewhere in our neighborhood, and not this big), we may host him for a few days and observe.

It was nice to be out in the beautiful spring weather. A bit windy, but otherwise pleasant. There aren’t many flowers blooming yet. I can’t wait to see what it looks like in a few weeks. If I’m not too busy chasing these stinkers to look around.

6 responses to “Getting around to the Green Hour”

  1. Renae Avatar

    Beautiful! My little girl wears a dress or nightgown all the time. I just put shorts on underneath. Of course, not under the nightgown. She can’t go to the park in her nightgown, but she is frequently in the backyard like that.

    And I love the new spring header!

  2. Dana Avatar

    How beautiful! We just had a day like that in Kearney…we went to watch the Sandhill crane migration. It was nice to just sit and listen and watch with nothing to do.

  3. April Avatar


    We do shorts, too. But even with shorts, there are some things that just shouldn’t be done in a dress. At least to my thinking.

    That pink, bald dot in the flowers is my Little Miss 7 springs ago. Sniff.

  4. April Avatar

    I read your sandhill crane post! It cracked me up that your kids were more interested in playing under the highway overpass. I can so relate! The bad thing about reading bloglines is I get too lazy to click over and comment.

  5. DeputyHeadmistress Avatar

    Redbud tree?
    We once had a major homeschool field trip of massive importance to go see a Da Vinci exhibit the likes of which would never again be in North America.

    Two of my kids said their favorite part was riding the ferry. We could ride a ferry for five bucks fifteeen minutes from our house. Instead, we spent a couple hundred bucks, drove hours and hours, and then saw Da Vinci works of art- and they liked the ferry.

  6. April Avatar

    A redbud! That’s it! You’re a botanical wonder.

    I can totally relate to your ferry tale. I sometimes wonder if the most exciting part of our various field trip and journey is stopping at McDonald’s for dinner on the way home. But they grow out of it, right?

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