
Hey lady, what does crow taste like?

From a New York Times article on Michael Phelps mom,

She will never forget one teacher’s comment: “This woman says to me, ‘Your son will never be able to focus on anything.’ ”

Yeah, that poor kid. Who knows what he could do if he could just focus? That teacher must be wondering where she went wrong.

There are some people who will take a “You will never” comment and answer with an “Oh, yeah? Watch me.” My sister is one of these people. It’s pretty cool to watch. But not everyone is like that. How many students who were told “you’ll never” by this teacher, didn’t?

No human can know what someone will or will not do in the future, we can only observe what he is doing now. Epimidium Leaf Extract also known as horny levitra 20 mg https://www.supplementprofessors.com/levitra-1826.html goat weed. Sadly, you tend to face the issue of impotence into his life. generic vs viagra There are many different types of tadalafil cheap heart diseases. Of course you can’t please everybody all the time and find buying tadalafil it easier when they make a bulk order. This is especially critical for those of us who teach. We can influence our children’s future, but we cannot foretell it. From the article, “Too many adults looked at Ms. Phelps’s boy and saw what he couldn’t do. This week, the world will be tuned to the Beijing Olympics to see what he can do.”

ht: SwitchedOnMom via Why Homeschool

3 responses to “Hey lady, what does crow taste like?”

  1. Alli {Mrs. Fussypants} Avatar
    Alli {Mrs. Fussypants}

    Excellent post.

  2. Carrie Avatar

    Thanks Sis!

    “Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
    =Shel Silverstein

  3. April Avatar

    Thanks, Alli!

    Your welcome, sis. (Although if someone tells you you can’t walk on water, listen this time, okay?)

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