We’ve been dealing with a person in our family who is having difficulty controlling said person’s emotions and is prone to frustration and meltdowns. (I’m trying to preserve the privacy of the individual in question.) Anyway, one of the coping tools we’re working on breathing to calm ourselves and reduce anxiety. (Okay, I use it far more often than the kids do.)
Alternate nostril breathing has been my go-to breathing technique. Try it, you’ll like it.
While this is a great technique, it’s not alway possible or desirable. For example, if you’re congested with a cold or allergies, this is messy and/or impossible. If you’re in public and your children are on your last nerve and you’re trying really hard to look like you’ve got it all together, you might not want start doing strange things with your nostrils. (Then again, maybe you do. When my sister and I would fight in public, my mom would sing Philippians Ephesians 4:32. I’m convinced that was her way of showing us that turnabout is fair play.) (Thanks for the correction, Greg! That’s what I get for not singing the song!)
Anyway, the point is it’s a good idea to have a less obvious, hands-free breathing option. My sister, who is a holistic health coach, has posted another breathing technique called the 4-7-8 method. It’s less involved but just as good at reducing stress. Her demonstration is also much more concise than the above video. So click on over to find out how to reduce stress , and then check out her great blog for tons of great advice and information. She just finished a great series on the connection between our gut health and stress. Informative AND practical!
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