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Lenten Focus: Saeed Abedini

For more on my Lenten Focus, see yesterday’s post. A quick summary is that I am spending Lent fasting and praying for the Persecuted Church, and I invite you to join me.

Pastor Abedini

Today, I’ll be praying for Saeed Abedini, an Iranian-born U.S. citizen who has been imprisoned in Iran for more than two years. He was imprisoned in 2012, and in early 2013, he was sentenced to eight years in prison for sharing his Christian Faith. Pastor Saeed’s wife and two children are living in Idaho.

From the Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini Facebook page, which seems to be managed by his wife Naghmeh: “Continued prayers appreciated for Saeed’s health, his nutrition, and for clean water. The quality of the prison water is very poor and so is the nutrition (lack of protein). Saeed has not been able to purchase mineral water or protein from the prison store as they have stopped providing them for purchase which has affected his health.”

Following is an excerpt from a Christmas letter from Pastor Saeed.

Dear sisters and brothers, the fact of the Gospel is that it is not only the story of Jesus, but it is the key of how we are to live and serve like Jesus. Today we like Him should come out of our safe comfort zone in order to proclaim the Word of Life and Salvation though faith in Jesus Christ and the penalty of sin that He paid on the cross and to proclaim His resurrection. We should be able to tolerate the cold, the difficulties and the shame in order to serve God. We should be able to enter into the pain of the cold dark world. Then we are able to give the fiery love of Christ to the cold wintery manger of those who are spiritually dead. It might be necessary to come out of the comfort of our lives and leave the loving embrace of our family to enter the manger of the lives of others, such as it has been for me for the third consecutive Christmas. It may be that we will be called fools and traitors and face many difficulties, but we should crucify our will and wishes even more until the world hears and tastes the true meaning of Christmas.

For more on Pastor Saeed, see the Be Heard Project (scroll down for his story.) Pray for Pastor Saeed, his family, and the Persecuted Church.

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