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My big news

A couple of weeks ago, I attended Freedom Works’ BlogCon. (A huge thank you to Kristina Ribali and all the wonderful people at Freedom Works for putting on an excellent and informative conference.) I learned a lot and met some great people including Tiffany Madison, who encouraged me to apply to write for The Washington Times Community Pages.

Well, I did. And guess, what? They are actually going to let me write for them. Haha Suckers! I mean, what a wonderful opportunity! So I’ll be posting there about once a week in a column called “Between Errands.” One of my goals is to be sort of a translator between the mad world of political punditry and the average Joes and Janes who think they’re all nuts. (They’re not wrong.) So without further ado…

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IRS abuse confirms Americans fears

Children have all sorts of fears: monsters under the bed, being the new kid in class, Santa Claus.
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Adults have other worries: the uncertain economic situation or illness of a loved ones, for example. But the biggest boogeyman for American adults has to be the thought of having the Internal Revenue Service comb through the details of our lives. The word “audit” can make grown men tremble.

This makes the recent revelations about the IRS particularly troubling. There are allegations that the IRS has targeted conservative groups for years, gave them extra scrutiny, and asked improper questions.

This is one of the worst scenarios a representative democracy can have: a government agency using its considerable power to suppress the voices of one segment of the population specifically to favor those in power.

Read the rest at The Washington Times Community Pages. (Squee!)

2 responses to “My big news”

  1. Renae Avatar

    How exciting is that?! I am so happy for you! And I feel like I “know” someone famous now. Ha!

  2. Mary Holley Avatar
    Mary Holley

    Congratulations my awesome daughter!

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