Oddly Traveled

We’re spending the weekend at Lake LBJ with my extended family.  Taking a few moments before the inundation.



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What are you up to this weekend?

2 responses to “Oddly Traveled”

  1. Nick Brown Avatar
    Nick Brown

    Puttering around the house this morning, sailing this afternoon, and BBQ at the beach this evening.

  2. Alisha @ Crandallation Avatar

    Planned to sleep in, but sister reached out last night for me to watch her kids this morning. They weren’t supposed to be here until 7:45, but I woke at 5:45 unable to go back to sleep. Lots of giggles with all the kids for several hours. Tried to take a nap when the niece and nephew left, but only managed 10 minutes. Now I’m being attacked by some crafty urges! 🙂

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