We just got back from a whirlwind trip to Minnesota. We thought it would be a great idea to do the (1000 mile) drive in one shot, rather than breaking it up into two days. It was great–for the kids. They slept the majority of the time because we started at night. MTG and I, on the other hand did not.
But as for blogging, I’m gonna fall back on a meme. This one is via Anne. (Thanks, Anne!)
A One-Word Meme
You’re feeling: exhausted
To your left: corner of the couch
On your mind: paperwork
Last meal included: mac & cheese
You sometimes find it hard to: keep my temper
The weather: humid
Something you have a collection of: dirty laundry
A smell that cheers you up: rain
A smell that can ruin your mood: cat pee (where it doesn’t belong)
How long since you last shaved: couple days ago?
The current state of your hair: cut for the first time in 9 months. Not too bad
The largest item on your desk/workspace (not computer): wooden organizer
Your skill with chopsticks: fair to middling
Which section you head for first in a bookstore: literature
Something you’re craving: chocolate
Your general thoughts on the presidential race: lalalalala, I’m not listening!
How many times have you been hospitalized this year: none for me, one for the kid
Favorite place to go for a quiet moment: cliche: the bathroom
You’ve always secretly thought you’d be a good: drill sergeant
Something that freaks you out a little: lutefisk
Something you’ve eaten too much of lately: butter
You have never: skydived (skydove?)
You never want to: eat lutefisk
3 responses to “Off the road”
Welcome back home. I’m with you on the lutefisk.
Thanks, Renae! My husband was in Tyler today. I should have had him wave in your general direction.
I had to google lutefisk because I didn’t know what it was. Ewwwwww.