Two things to remember: 1. Take your turkey out of the freezer in ample time to defrost. 2. Pull out or order your copy of Cranberry Thanksgiving, the best Thanksgiving book ever. We’ve passed the stage of handprint turkeys and pilgrims, but I’m pretty sure we’ll never outgrow this book. Well, I’ll never outgrow this […]
Ten years alone on this island. Ten years of struggling to survive. His ungrateful crew had gone out of their way to maroon him on the most remote habitable rock they could find. His anger fueled his efforts to live and to return home. After countless failures, he had finally concocted a signal strong […]
“He seemed pleasant.” “If you think a man who manages to be a groveling idiot and a pompous fool simultaneously is pleasant.” “Mother is determined to get you married, Anna. I think we’ll have to endure these visits until you comply.” “Or until I make my escape; nursing training begins in a month. How […]
Yesterday, I listened to the latest Circe Quiddity podcast with Professor Carol Reynolds. She speaks very quickly. What she quickly said reaffirmed some of the thoughts I’ve been having about how we experience music in our culture generally and how I’m exposing music to my children specifically. Prof. Reynolds discussed our detachment from making and experiencing […]
This post is cross-posted at Best Foot Forward Proofreading. If you have proofreading needs, check it out! While English has a reputation for being a lawless thug of a language, there are indeed rules that govern it. Because English is, in the phrasing of John McWhorter, our magnificent bastard tongue, they can have more exceptions that […]
“What a lovely road. Let’s explore it!” Alice lead the hesitant Tom off the main avenue. He had been in a dream all evening. The beautiful girl had chosen him from all the boys at the dance and asked for an escort home. Envious eyes followed them as they walked off into the night. […]
Pinocchio got it all wrong; that little brat Carlo mixed up everything. He was always hanging around, prying into our secrets. Isabella was sweet on him, so we didn’t chase him off, but I knew he was up to no good. I was a young man myself, then, and too busy with my own […]
There are moments in the life of the teacher when an assignment hits a different note with your student and the ordinary becomes magical. A spark is lit and bursts into flame. During a routine writing assignment yesterday, I read the poem “The Brook” by Tennyson to 8-year-old Satchmo. We read a fair amount of […]
Great. They left me again. I wonder how long it’ll take before they realize it and turn around. I spent two hours at that roadside fruit stand in Iowa. I didn’t even know Iowa had fruit; I thought they just had corn. This is getting ridiculous. They take me completely for granted, shoving me […]
This post contains affiliated links that are all highly recommended. Buy them, borrow them, or steal them, but you ought to read them. (Maybe not that last option; you’re not Bilbo Baggins, after all.) While reading Beowulf with the girls, I came across this passage: A dragon on the prowl from the steep vaults of a […]