Johnny saw his sister sitting on the curb watching the pawn shop across the street. “You’re not supposed to be here, Lily. What are you doing?” Lily’s eyes never left the store, “Watching Daddy.” “Why would Daddy be in a pawn shop?” “He’s got to pawn his daddy’s gold watch to pay Mr. Jones […]
Or I guess to be more true to the filched quote, “Clean songs, clean songs, move down, move down!” Hmmm. Maybe we’ll read Jabberwocky today. Because it is brillig. Or it could be. Honestly, I don’t even know what brillig is, but there are definitely no slithy toves around here. This month’s folk song is an […]
Three lousy clues: a key, a bit twine, and mysterious liquid in a bottle. Oh, and a deadline. “Find me by sunset and you’ll keep your head.” He should have been suspicious at the enormous sum offered for one young princess. Princess, hah! Demon is more like it. No amount of money was sufficient for […]
There’s just something fun about that name. Interestingly, with those three names to choose from, he went with Camille. That wouldn’t have been my choice, but he’s the famous artist, so what do I know? The aforementioned Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot is the artist in the Ambleside rotation this term. He was a French painter who lived a […]
The Hobbit was published 78 years ago on September 21, 1937. Providentially, Bilbo’s birthday is on September 22, 1290, according to Shire Reckoning. Both days ought to be celebrated for the joy, adventure, and wonder they have brought to countless people. While there are no medical tests to help with this determination, typically through conversation […]
Today’s C.S. Lewis quote: The whole lesson of my life has been that no ‘methods of stimulation’ are of any lasting use. They are indeed like drugs—a stronger dose is needed each time and soon no possible dose is effective. We must not bother about thrills at all. Do the present duty—bear the present pain—enjoy […]
It’s been a very Monday sort of Monday, so I thought I’d post a little pick-me-up. You really need to say this aloud to get the full benefit. An audience would also help. Trust me. There are likely more factors involved in the viagra pill uk causation of migraines. Physical factors (1) the ovarian […]
Decorative. That’s what the fool called me. He thought he was the power behind the throne, the real ruler, the true strength. As a seemingly helpless child, I used my wits to stay alive while my siblings killed each other grappling for the throne. When they were dead and my uncle sought to banish me […]
We’re just finishing our first week of the new school year. It’s also our first field trip of the year and our anniversary. It’s been an exhausting week, but far less exhausting than last year. On more days than not, we’ve managed to have our morning time, which is where we do our fine arts […]
The boy had carefully folded and creased and folded again. Now he took the little bird down to the water. Lifting the paper crane to his mouth, he whispered, “Live!” He gently set the bird in the water and pushed it into the current. As the crane drifted away, and the boy held his […]