Mother looked up from the stove at the child covered in mud. “Where have you been?” she demanded. “Digging in the creek bottom,” the girl perked. “We found a man.” “What do you mean you found a man? Stay put, you’re filthy!” “In the bottoms. Tommy and I were digging, and we found him.” “A […]
*This post contains affiliated links. We just finished the best new children’s book I’ve read in … a long while. The Green Ember by S.D. Smith is a book that certainly every parent should read to their child, and frankly adults should read for themselves. Before I go on: Yes, it is a children’s book. […]
Or maybe it all began with a troll’s haircut. Whenever it began, the result was that Janet Stephens, a hairdresser from Maryland got curious about something. Starting from her own knowledge and expertise as a hair stylist, she kept learning and experimenting until she rewrote the book on hairdressing in the ancient world. But back […]
He sat on the ramshackle steps, broken with grief and despair. After all, they had barely survived, was this the end? The sickness had taken what little family they had. The riots, their jobs. The fires, their possessions. They escaped the ruins with only their lives. But the pains came far too early. Somehow, the […]
Most Americans will be either watching a fireworks display or launching their own in celebration of our nation’s independence. We’ll be part of the spectator crowd. If you have little kids (or if you are or were a little kid), you’ve probably heard “How do they DO that?” It’s not magic, it’s chemistry! The science […]
The old man settled himself in the sand, the same time and exact place he had waited for the past 58 years. Early on, he watched with anticipation. Later, when he was eager to get back to his family and work, he sat with perfunctory duty. Now he kept his vigil with longing. His […]
Although I’m not very consistent with it, I find it helpful to blog my books because it helps me think more clearly about them. It’s the adult version of narration, if you will. I was going to do a full post on a couple of these books, but the best-laid plans of mice and all […]
The third threat came by courier. The first was a call; the second, a letter. Now this package addressed in the same scrawl as the letter. Jones laughed as he remembered the old lady’s angry threats when she realized her “safe investment” wasn’t. He ripped open the package and dumped a crumpled paper into his […]
This month’s folk song on the Ambleside Online rotation is “The Skye Boat Song.” It is a huge hit in our family, especially with my youngest, who asks me to sing it every night. This song has apparently gained new popularity because it’s the theme of a British historical/sci-fi show called Outlander. It’s historical because […]
Okay, it’s not dinosaurs exactly. But it is the theme from dinosaur movies, with cello and piano. Geez, you’re such a stickler for accuracy. Anyway, enjoy “Jurassic World Sonata.” I did wish they would have had a dino eating Steve at the end. That would have been fun. Self-employed subscriptions will also be absolutely […]