I’m a big fan of doing things efficiently and competently. I don’t like to waste my time, and I certainly don’t like it when other people waste my time. Alas, I have children, so time gets wasted. But I do appreciate hacks, tips, tricks, and other inventive methods that make life just a little easier. […]
Like many people, I stumble upon a lot fun, touching, or interesting things online, which I often share for other people to enjoy. (I also stumble across a lot of outrage, but I’m trying to get away from sharing most of that. It seems the world is mad enough without my encouragement.) But I’ve noticed […]
This post may contain affiliated links. This is a test run of a new method to record/review the books I’ve read. It’s titled “Finally Finished” because I have a bad habit of setting down a book and not picking it up for months. The current plan is to give a line or two of my […]
“To Peter 2017 from Peter 2053, Codeword: cacoethes. I’m taking a great risk, mucking with the timeline like this. You haven’t even finished the machine I’ve just sent back to you. But don’t do it. Don’t go back. Don’t go forward. Destroy both machines. No matter how you try to avoid it, you will […]
This post may contain affiliated links It’s Groundhog Day in most of the United States and Armadillo Day in Texas. Of course. Bee Cave Bob, Texas’ prognosticator, likes to sleep in, and we won’t know if we’ll have an early spring till 12:30. At least it’s not high noon; that would really put a damper […]
This post may contain affliated links. February is a notoriously difficult month for homeschoolers. We’re in the middle of the academic year, and neither the launching nor the landing shore is visible. It’s usually cold and dreary, and the only holidays are Valentine’s Day — and all the baggage that holds — and President’s Day. […]
This post contains affiliated links. All the books in this post are audiobooks and were recommended by the same source – Anne Bogel, A.K.A. Modern Mrs. Darcy, who has an amazing podcast that is horrible for both my bank account and my to-be-read stack. I love it! These four books include my favorite book from […]
He was, without question, the world’s best thief. Of course, no one knew. If they knew, he wouldn’t be the world’s best thief. But he’d almost ruined everything when that red-headed girl started asking questions. Now there were road blocks and alerts about a dark figure on a bike and snow that would leave tracks. Jimmie […]
This post may contain affiliated links I once read an illustration that went something like this*: A potter making a new pot began by intentionally marring the pot. He does so because it is inevitable that he will make mistakes and his work will fall short of perfection. By purposefully making an error, he frees himself […]
For the past seven years, I’ve had my boys on a gluten-free diet off and on. It seems to help their sensory issues, but I can only say “seems” because it’s rather subjective. I can’t tell if it’s the food or because generally when I kick off a gluten-free season, I also up my efforts […]