We really don’t do April Fool’s Day in our family. Talking with my oldest daughter about it, we decided it was because it really doesn’t mesh with our family culture. Most April Fool’s jokes tend to be mean pranks that involve laughing at someone more than laughing with them. That’s just really not our style. […]
For St. Patrick’s Day, you should listen to this wonderful episode of Circe Institute’s The Commons with Dr. Jonathan Rogers who wrote a book about Patrick. Some thoughts: Dr. Rogers sounds so much like my brother — both his voice and his speech patterns — that it kind of freaked me out. I was tempted to […]
First, a message from my friend Amelia: On this, the ides of March and Super Tuesday 3, try not to vote for somebody who will stab this country in the back. Never forget: Keep the true meaning of the holiday: The reason behind the quick functioning of sildenafil tablets india s have helped millions […]
This year leap day happens on a Monday in an election year. Because of course it does. (Actually, it’s always in an election year. Whose bright ideas was that?) Still, we get an extra day, right? Woo-hoo! Party time! Let’s blow off work and head to the (insert favorite place to loaf)! But alas, the […]
I have avoided writing about politics for quite a while for many reasons. The primary one is because I’m a bit of a pessimist, and, frankly, I see the writing on the wall when it comes to the beautiful experiment of a constitutional republic and a nation governed by rule of law. But, though fatally […]
She went about her preparations calmly while her aunts berated and pleaded in turns. “You can’t go to the beach alone; it’s improper!” Book tucked in the corner of her bag. “Who will prepare our tea?” Sunglasses slipped between the folds of the towel. “There are strange and forward men there that you aren’t […]
I am, of course, speaking of February. Oh, you didn’t know the feelings of dread and despair are universal? Just google “February quit homeschooling.” Everyone wants to quit in February. But knowing is only half the battle. The other half requires careful planning, perseverance, and a sense of humor. By careful planning, I don’t mean detailed […]
At first it seemed like a dream. Through some strange magic, Grey Squirrel had driven out the flesh-eaters. It was paradise. Then the deer disappeared, and Grey Squirrel would only say, “It was necessary.” Next came the rules, “necessary rules,” about who could gather from which trees and where and when you could be […]
A Beatrix Potter book has been discovered after 100 years! Callooh! Callay! (I know I’m mixing children’s authors here. That happens when I’m excited.) Publisher Jo Hanks re-discovered the treasure after she read about it in an out-of-print biography. (Another argument for reading old books: they contain things we’ve forgotten.) Kitty-in-Boots is about a cat with […]
I’ll admit it: Mom usually knows what she’s talking about. Put a little money in savings each paycheck. Great advice. Don’t put anything in writing you wouldn’t want read by everyone. That saved my bacon and my job more than once. Someone who will gossip to you will gossip about you. So true, Mom. So […]