Pushing through

After a week of house guests, followed by a field trip, I tried to start back with our regular schedule.  That went about as well as could be expected.

hows your day

To top it off, after a week of gorgeous weather, it’s cold and rainy and I have a headache that feels like little men with sledge hammers have taken up residence in my brain.  I am not amused.  But you know what you gotta do when your in the thick of it?

Turn on some motivational music, psych yourself up, and tell the children, the dog, and the day that you are doing this thing, dangit!

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Hide in the closet with the bag of Cadbury mini-eggs and wait for the cavalry to arrive.

I’m still trying to decide which approach I’m going with today. I may flip a coin.

How do you deal with “one of those days?”

2 responses to “Pushing through”

  1. carrie Avatar

    I keep this quote at my desk. “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Winston Churchill

    It provided much comfort during my year and a half of hell.

    I also let myself off the hook. If pushing my plans through a day that wants to push back is causing nothing by grief, I stop pushing. Sometimes my plans were a week ahead of schedule. Its cool, it will happen.

    I send you encouragement and encourage you to take it easy.

  2. April Avatar

    Thanks, sis. Yeah sometimes you just have take a break, but this is coming off a long break and we just needed to push through to get back on track. It wasn’t pretty, but we did it.

    Thanks for the encouragement!

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