
She’s a bit early, but that’s okay

Judy Aron at Consent of the Governed has the Carnival Of Homeschooling – Martin Luther King Edition. The good Doctor’s observed birthday isn’t until next Monday, but better early than late, right?

Lots of good stuff, but if you read nothing else, read this post. Missy at Life without School has some good advice on playing nice in the homeschool on-line community: “If the comment you are about to type doesn’t add to the discussion and doesn’t serve any purpose except to make someone feel badly, why say it?” Good stuff.

I think we’re going to make these snowmen, because I don’t think we’re going to be making the real deal.

You can follow one families journey through Mexico and join in the whale watching at Love Learn Serve. Some day. sigh

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Also, FREE documentaries. Woo-hoo!

One response to “She’s a bit early, but that’s okay”

  1. Judy Aron Avatar
    Judy Aron

    yeah but MLK’s actual birthday is today – the 15th… that’s why I am NOT early.. LOL

    Thanks for posting the link!

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