This is my copyright disclaimer on my blog (bottom left):
© April Thompson and Oddly Said, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to April Thompson and Oddly Said with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Seriously, stealing stuff is tacky.
Pretty clear-cut, no? You can’t use my stuff without my permission. If you use a quote, please give me credit and link back to the original.
Several months ago, I wrote this blog post about the inherent coercion of government. It’s good, you should read it.
It was posted in full (with a pingback link, but no text clearly crediting me at the bottom of the post) at The Dubuque Town Crier, a website administered by one William K. Hammel of Jaeger Drive, Dubuque, Iowa.
I did not give Mr. Hammel the authorization to use or duplicate my post. (Nor did he ask.) He posted the full post, not an excerpt. For the record, an excerpt would be “a passage or quotation taken or selected from a book, document, film, or the like,” i.e. not the whole thing–title included. See?
That, my friends, is the entirety of my post–not an excerpt and not clearly crediting April Thompson as the author.
When I emailed him to ask him to remove it he replied, “You just just excerpt and link like I’ve been. Wish I knew how my email addresses got involved.” (A. Not sure what he meant, and B. He doesn’t know how the internet works, bless his heart.)
Then he replied, “So sue me.”
So, Mr. Hammel got called on taking work that wasn’t his (and profiting from it, since his blog is monetized), and rather than manning up and taking down the post, he decided to be a jerk.
Since he decided not to answer my subsequent email, I called the number listed on the WhoIs registration. The extent of the conversation, Me: “May I speak to Mr. Hammel.” He: “This is he.” (Or something similar.) Me: “Mr. Hammel, do you own a website called the Dubuque Town Crier?” *Click*
I then got this email:
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