“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” Alice…in Wonderland
A Beatrix Potter book has been discovered after 100 years! Callooh! Callay! (I know I’m mixing children’s authors here. That happens when I’m excited.) Publisher Jo Hanks re-discovered the treasure after she read about it in an out-of-print biography. (Another argument for reading old books: they contain things we’ve forgotten.) Kitty-in-Boots is about a cat with […]
The Hobbit was published 78 years ago on September 21, 1937. Providentially, Bilbo’s birthday is on September 22, 1290, according to Shire Reckoning. Both days ought to be celebrated for the joy, adventure, and wonder they have brought to countless people. While there are no medical tests to help with this determination, typically through conversation […]
*This post contains affiliated links. We just finished the best new children’s book I’ve read in … a long while. The Green Ember by S.D. Smith is a book that certainly every parent should read to their child, and frankly adults should read for themselves. Before I go on: Yes, it is a children’s book. […]
Although I’m not very consistent with it, I find it helpful to blog my books because it helps me think more clearly about them. It’s the adult version of narration, if you will. I was going to do a full post on a couple of these books, but the best-laid plans of mice and all […]
Dust off your library cards (or, if you’re a homeschooler, pay up your fines!), it’s time for summer reading! But first, some thoughts on summer reading plans, programs, and purposes. (Please note, this is just my opinion based on my own experience, not The Authoritative Method for Summer Reading.) I love to read, and one […]
This post contains affiliated and dangerous links. We’re listening to Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing in the car. It was published in 1972, and I read it as a kid. I have fond memories of the whole Judy Blume oeuvre. But listening to it with my kids, I have to say I’m shocked that […]
This post contains affiliated links. Well, not “here” here, because I forgot to order it early. But we’ll have it by Monday. What is it? The latest from Nathan Hale: Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales: The Underground Abductor. I’ve previously written about these great books and my re-evaluation of the place of graphic novels. (Also, I […]
*This post contains affiliated links I just finished reading The Aeneid with my daughters. Previously, we read (well, listened to) The Iliad and The Odyssey. These three epics are arguably three pillars of all Western Literature. (A fourth being the Bible.) Of the three, I had only read The Iliad previously, although I was […]
*This post contains affiliated links. This year, I have been wanting to have a more restful, peaceful year and paradoxically (or not uncoincidentally, depending on your point of view) have been having the most stressful year that I’ve had in a long time. Part of it is just the way the ball has bounced this […]
I don’t know if you know this, but April is officially my month. This is the month of bluebonnets, my birthday, and when people who think they’re clever make smart* remarks about my name. Two out of three ain’t bad. Actually, it’s better than that. It’s bluebonnets, birthdays, and books because it is also Audible’s Listening […]