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    My mom is

    My mom is

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    Timing is everything

    Timing is everything

    In my ongoing agricultural war, I’ve made a lot of headway. We solved the water problem, moved the beds to the front to solve the sunlight issue, fenced the beds in to guard against evil rabbits, and provide the little plantlets with delicious and nutritious worm poop. But one critical aspect is timing. You gotta […]

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    In the blink of an eye

    In the blink of an eye

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    Family Outing

    Family Outing

    Today was Homeschool Day at the Fort Worth Zoo. We’ve made it a habit to go since we accidentally stumbled upon it a few years back. One of the nice things about homeschool days is that you don’t typically run into a lot of school groups. Oddly, there was one school field trip there today, […]

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    End of an era

    End of an era

    Today Satchmo turns 7. Seven. Seven is no longer a little boy. A young boy, sure. A kid, definitely. But not a little boy. “I’m not a little boy, Mom!” But Satchmo is my youngest, my baby. So this feels harder than the others. Sure, it was bittersweet watching the others get so big and […]

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    How did this happen?

    How did this happen?

    One minute she’s my baby sister, running around in Wonder Woman Underoos and cowboy boots, and the next she’s a brilliant, beautiful, accomplished woman with a family and career and tons of wisdom. Who let that happen? Happy birthday, Carrie. I am blessed to call you sister and friend. It is also used for the […]

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    45 years

    45 years

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    14 years ago…

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    Love the one you’re with.

    Love the one you’re with.

    But not in the slutty hippie song way, and with better grammar. Love the one with whom you are? That doesn’t scan. Anyway, this was very convicting and has encouraged me to do social media fast today and possibly every Sunday. Thus the cost of all these are the most often conditions related to the […]

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    Fathering is more than just providing DNA

    Fathering is more than just providing DNA

      Language is a good indicator of what a culture values. For example, our dictionary definition of mothering is “the nurturing of an infant or small child by its mother.” Parenting means “the rearing of children.” Fathering means “a male parent.” Mothering is highly valued and appreciated in our culture; when people are sick or […]

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