Despite a rather rocky start, it’s good to be back in the saddle with our routine and our studies and most of all, our fine arts. We’ve been spending a lot of time in the modern world with both our history and our fine arts (since I like to try to line them up if […]
Our Fine Arts Friday is officially kaput. Next week, Fridays will be devoted to enrichment days at a local private school. To be fair, the kids will be taking art (at least three of the four will), and we’re going to be stopping and picnicking and hiking at our local nature preserve. But it won’t […]
*Notice: This post has nothing to do with fine arts. I guess I didn’t need to keep the “Fine Arts Friday” tag, but I am a creature of habit. We’re visiting MTG’s family in rural Minnesota. I was really looking forward to doing some sky watching. This weekend brings us another supermoon and the Perseids meteor […]
We’re coming to the end of our Fine Arts Friday. Not the study of fine arts, mind you, or even posts on this blog. However, this is the end to our having a single day to focus on fine arts. Fridays will now be devoted to enrichment classes for the younger three. Little Miss has […]
Taking a break from the whys and hows of studying fine arts to merely soak in the beauty, and the fun, In case of survival, recovery is slow, often taking more than one pill per day as generic viagra 100mg it can cause severe unwanted reactions. The drug world has been loaded with a large […]
Today you’re in for a special treat. My friend Erika Franz is the author of today’s guest post on soundtracks, specifically the soundtracks of science fiction. The idea for the post was born of a conversation that came out of this post and the idea that movie soundtracks are the natural extension of operas and musical […]
John Adams was (almost) right about this glorious day: “The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by […]
We’re still in Louisville, so I thought I’d do a Kentucky-themed folk song (and the state song), “My Old Kentucky Home.” Frederick Douglass once said the song awakened “the sympathies for the slave, in which anti-slavery principles take root and flourish.” It’s striking that in 1852 a song that rather mildly suggests that the lives […]
This post contains affiliated links. This afternoon, we’re all laying around reading and listening to our folk song playlist until it’s time to go to my daughter’s softball tournament. It’s a nice bit of downtime sandwiched between to periods of frantic activity, and I’m appreciating the mellow atmosphere. The girls are listening to Rilla of […]
Last winter, Little Miss and I participated in a survey at the Perot Museum for which participation we were given tickets for the IMAX theater at the museum. The tickets expired at the end of this month, so MTG took a day off and we spent the morning at the Perot and the afternoon at […]