*This post contains affiliated links. I am bad at trees. Really bad. Like “acorn = oak, and that’s about all I know” bad. What can I say, I grew up in the desert! But I am committed to getting better because one of the benefits of homeschooling is that teacher gets to learn alongside her […]
Cribbed from The Common Room’s Facebook Page — a thoroughly likable page. (Hint hint.) “‘Education is the Science of Relations’; that is, that a child has natural relations with a vast number of things and thoughts: so we train him upon physical exercises, nature lore, handicrafts, science and art, and upon many living books, for we […]
A Visit from St. Nicholas (or The Night Before Christmas) By Clement Clarke Moore (or maybe not) ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be […]
Texas, you may have heard, has had some unseasonably cold and wet weather. The ice that will not die has put a damper on our usual outdoor venturing. There’s nothing like not being able to get outside to realize how much time you spend outside. Even without sheets of ice, colder temperatures may tempt us […]
*Yes, I know this is Saturday. But instead of being a good blogger and finishing and scheduling my post on Thursday night, I left it to finish Friday morning. Then the ice storm hit and we had no internet. I couldn’t finish or post it yesterday, so you get it today. Christmas is one of […]
Last Tuesday, I drove by our local nature preserve and noticed half the trees were in full color and half were bare. I knew we needed to go soon if we were to enjoy any of the autumn display, so we spent last Wednesday afternoon on an extended nature walk. Fortunately, we got out there […]
Today we had friends over for a craft day. It was a busy, full, crafty day. My friend and the kids made pipe cleaner penguin snow globes. And also pipe cleaner imposter penguins (AKA bunnies) and pipe cleaner Adam and Jamie of Mythbusters. A closer look at the Mythbusters. Adam is a little abstract. […]
At the beginning of this series of posts on fine arts, I explained why I’m spending one day each week focusing on arts (and natures study). I wrote that I’m teaching fine arts (and nature studies) “to provide true and good and beautiful things upon which my children can feast.” That is absolutely still true. […]
We’re spending the day at the Dallas Arboretum looking at their houses o’ gourds. We also may do this great fall mixed-media art project from That Artist Woman. I’ve saved my egg shells and everything. It’s a new month so new songs. Our folk song is an Irish tune called “The Rose of Tralee.” […]