A Shakespearean bonus! It’s legendary, literally. There’s little evidence St. Crispin (and Crispian) actually existed, and they aren’t actually saints anymore. But Henry V and the Battle of Agincourt are historical facts. Watch
I have a confession: nature studies intimidate me. I am not a naturalist. I have no idea what the names of trees or plants are beyond the most generic “Hey acorns! That must be an oak tree.” Moreover, I’m not an artist. I’m not particularly creative, and my drawing skills are basic at best. But […]
Although the calendar says autumn, the weather in Texas is not too sure. We’re getting a little cooler weather at night, but right now we’re reaching highs of the mid-80s. However, since autumn is my favorite season, I’m going to celebrate it whatever the temperature. To autumn! “When the Frost is on the Punkin” Both […]
A new month brings us new songs (and a new picture). We’re still studying Copley. We’re looking at “The Death of the Earl of Chatham” which depicts the collapse of William Pitt the Elder during a debate in the House of Lords on the American Revolution. How weird must that have been for the American […]
This post contains affiliated links. We’re having a craft day with friends today. Sometimes we’ll have a theme or specific projects planned. Today, other than some yarn bookmarks, we just pulled out all our craft stuff and let the kids have at it. Sprite is making bracelets with the Rainbow Loom. Bulldozer is making custom […]
We’re traveling today, so I don’t have time to write a longer post. We’ll be spending our nature hour at Dinosaur Valley State Park. Actually, we’ll be spending most of the weekend in the soggy outdoors. Yay, rain! A bonus, art thing: How to recognize the artists of paintings. Not for littler people because of language […]
Following the Ambleside schedule, this terms artist is John Singleton Copley. As I’ve written before, the basics of picture study are pretty simple. We don’t focus a great deal on the biography and facts of the artist, but we don’t ignore it either. I think Copley’s story is of particular interest to homeschoolers and Americans […]
Ah, September and the back to school bliss even when we don’t go to school. We’re starting new everything this month, so I thought I’d cover the music we’re listening to this week. Our composer this term is Franz Joseph Haydn. We read this short bio geared to kids, and we found Austria on the […]
Emphasis on tentative. For fine arts, we generally follow the Ambleside schedule for art, music (composer, folk song, and hymns) and poetry. Ambleside works on a 3-term schedule, starting in September. We generally follow that, but we do some fine arts “pick up” work in the summer. I want to have a set schedule for […]
Enjoying nature isn’t just an educational exercise we do with our kids. Sometimes, mom runs away with a friend and enjoys nature Upstate New York style. We started in the Finger Lakes region, staying at an inn attached to a winery. This is what we call “roughing it.” Then we went to Watkins Glen State […]