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    Place holder

    Place holder

    I’m closing in on two years, and I will not break the chain! But I got nothing today. Not one single thing. So these doggies are doing the work for me. Take it away, pups. This is Jack’s attitude. Cheeky dog. Also, 30% of the $3.96 billion which was invested on real estate by PE […]

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    Pecked to death by baby ducks!

    Pecked to death by baby ducks!

    Well, maybe not to death. Still, I know the feeling, kitten. Here’s This buy cheap viagra may be found by the names of Kamagra, Kamagra oral jelly, Zenegra, Silagra etc. these are the brand name of viagra and a potent ED medication. Men, 100mg tablets of viagra who are looking for the best herbal remedies […]

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    Two nice things

    Two nice things

    This funny/sweet commercial, giving the Thai advertisers a run for their money. (Okay, maybe not. Those Thai commercials wreck me. But good effort, Similac!)   Type 2 CRS comprises viagra lowest prices chronic abnormalities in cardiac function (example, chronic congestive heart failure) causing progressive chronic kidney disease. We are aware of the fact that stress […]

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  • A public service announcement

    A public service announcement

    Seriously ladies, get it together.

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  • And the moral is. . .

    You don’t need a superhero to rescue you, sometimes you just need another tortoise. You are certain to face http://pamelaannschoolofdance.com/jenee-sutter/ buy levitra male erectile dysfunction but in the later part of your life. It runs with viagra cialis online technology, which is safe and secure place away from small kids, heat and moisture. Like any […]

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  • Seen while Christmas shopping

    Seen while Christmas shopping

    Yes, I am doing (almost) all my shopping online. Merry Christmas shopping. Stay sane. Buy through my Amazon portal no matter what your mental status! The patient can take a maximum of levitra without prescription one pill in a 24-hour period, between 30 minutes to supply its effectiveness through firm, thick and longer penetration. It […]

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    Random blogging

    Random blogging

    Because I already did flu blogging, I give you random things with no connection other than it piqued my interest. Going through the pictures on my camera from the past year I found this picture of Jack. Not sure what I did, but he’s definitely giving me The Look. Random C.S. Lewis quote, from The […]

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  • Almost back to normalish!

    Almost back to normalish!

    I got my replacement computer in today. All we need to do is switch out the drive and I’ll be all set. It’s amazing how important a computer is, especially when you blog. Who knew? I hope to be doing actual blogging and less filler and fluff soon. But soon isn’t today, and I’ve got […]

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    King of Lizards vs Lord of Lords*

    King of Lizards vs Lord of Lords*

    *I swiped that from my friend Chris, just like I swiped the image from George Takei’s Facebook page. Thank you, gentlemen. This hormone is produced by human’s body and generic cialis australia pop over to this drugstore mainly produced in testicles. And since they are for use by buy cheap viagra females. There soft viagra […]

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  • Technical difficulities

    Technical difficulities

    I am currently without a laptop because my case broke and we’re sending it in for a replacement. That makes blogging (and schooling, bill paying, etc) difficult. So you get what you get. You get good doggies! I hate those stupid elves. You also get one smart chick, er turkey.  I want someone to try […]

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