• The discontent of the governed

    The discontent of the governed

    A recent Gallup poll shows that 68% of Americans favor a national referendum on key issues. This is one more sign that Americans are increasingly less confident in their elected representatives’ ability or even desire to follow the will of the people. After more than two hundred years of representative democracy, dissatisfaction with our elected […]

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    The pendelum swings both ways

    The pendelum swings both ways

    When I was in high school and college, I had a number of teachers and professors who loved Voltaire’s* famous quote, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!” (Always stated in grand tones, sweeping gestures.) That’s been replaced with the pithier: “Faster pussycat, kill, […]

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    My big news

    My big news

    A couple of weeks ago, I attended Freedom Works’ BlogCon. (A huge thank you to Kristina Ribali and all the wonderful people at Freedom Works for putting on an excellent and informative conference.) I learned a lot and met some great people including Tiffany Madison, who encouraged me to apply to write for The Washington Times […]

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    Wow. Yesterday was one for the history books. In one day we learned: We learned that the Benghazi talking points were lies. (That’s what we call something “completely untrue.”) The critical question, of course, is why lie? What truth are the lies covering? The cliche is “It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up,” but I […]

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