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    This post contains affiliated links Today is the 50th anniversary of not one, but three influential men: John F. Kennedy (as if you could miss that news), C.S. Lewis (all the Christians say “Woohoo!”), and Aldous Huxley (“Hey! It’s that guy!”).  Kennedy is getting the most attention by far, but Lewis is also getting his […]

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    50 years ago

    50 years ago

    Over a quarter of a million people joined the March on Washington for civil rights, a sight that still inspires. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave one of the most famous speeches in history, and probably the most famous of the 20th century, and it was actually partially spontaneous. Typically the sciatica nerve discomfort takes […]

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    All history is biography

    All history is biography

    (This post contains affiliated links.) We just finished Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham — an excellent book and highly recommended — and my appetite was whetted.  I had never heard of Nathaniel Bowditch in my American history studies. While I’m no history scholar, I’m better read than the average bear. If the fictionalized […]

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    Well behaved women seldom make history.

    Today, the world lost a historic figure and remarkable woman. Margaret Thatcher was a chemist, lawyer, mother (of twins!), politician, first and only female Prime Minister of Britain, and part of the group of Western Leaders who lead the fight to end the grip of communism on Eastern Europe. The foreign policy world of my […]

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