“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” Alice…in Wonderland
No more lounging around crocheting, watching movies, and generally being a bum. Today is a teacher inservice day at the Thompson house. Monday is back to the books and regularly scheduled chaos. We’re starting with an extra dose of crazy because I’m traveling next week to be with my parents while my mom has a […]
I’m still without my laptop, but I have my phone and the inconvenient computer in the family room. So today, you see what we do on Thursday. (Yes, it looks like a simple, quick blog post. But with this hand-crank computer, it took an hour to get the photos resized and uploaded, in which time […]
I snagged this from the Facebook page of a friend who’s a teacher in public school. (Middle school math. Pray for her.) I think everyone — homeschool, public school, or private school — feels a little shell-shocked after the first month of school. We’ve been back to “the more structured daily lessons” grind for […]
We’re calling this week a do-over, a grace week, a “did anyone get the plates on that truck that just hit us” week. After a bit of a rough start, I had to go out of town last week to attend a funeral. While my husband performed admirably as my homeschool sub, my absence did […]
How did the first week of school go? Shame and embarrassment made sexual dysfunction a taboo subject in polite company for on line levitra devensec.com a long time, which gave it a prominent position in the urban legends and endorsed dozens of folk remedies of doubtful effectiveness. Any misalignment in the body can cause […]
Day one of the 2014-2015. I’ve got assignments assigned, pencils sharpened, and schedules color-coded. I’ve even got my workspace organized! It’s a first day of school miracle! I knew today would not go according to plan; I even planned for it! New routines have to be broken in. I get this. I’m not new. Still […]
This post contains affiliated links. Last spring when I was looking for geography curriculum, I came across a free resource for U.S. Geography, 50 States and Where to Find Them by Kathy Jo DeVore of Barefoot Meandering. (I honestly cannot remember where at this point. I really ought to write that stuff down. Thanks whoever […]
Homeschoolers love to take field trips. Actually, homeschoolers are apt to call anything a field trip: a trip to the grocery store? Home management field trip! Dentist visit? Health/career options field trip! Visit to the DMV or post office? Government-in-action field trip! We also like the more traditional field trips as well: zoos, museums, etc. […]
Okay. This is it. This is the no-fooling, grab it while it’s hot, last day of summer. Cannonball! Today we went to the pool for the last day. We’ll laze about reading Harry Potter, and taking our last “light” summer day. (No, we still aren’t finished with history and geography. Yes, we will get finished […]
Little Miss is doing a rolling start on some of her classes, even though the Thompson Family Academy doesn’t officially start until September 1st (as God and J.K. Rowling intended). She actually started her online Latin class last week, but today was a really big day for her — and for me. Today I dropped […]