“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” Alice…in Wonderland
One of my favorite Superbowl commercials happens to be an excellent metaphor for my life right now. Right now I’m trying to get everything ready we can start the school year strong after Labor Day. Except we never really quit the last school year. We have just over two weeks to get through the […]
In years past, I’ve had one or two big planning sessions where I could shut out the world, hunker down with the books and the charts and the lists, and get the major overview of our year planned. For various (and frankly unsatisfying) reasons, that hasn’t happened this year. I’ve snatched moments here, scribbled down […]
I almost missed the deadline for free state fair tickets! ACK! Homeschoolers living within 100 miles of the fairgrounds can get free tickets to attend the Texas State Fair on Thursdays by sending a letter. The details are below. We had to skip last year, and I really miss the fried everything and the watching […]
This weekend is the Arlington Homeschool Book Fair. It’s always the second weekend of May: Mother’s Day weekend, the busiest month of the school year, and when I have just had it with lessons in general. But the pull of books — and free shipping on our Math-U-See materials — is strong. I like to actually […]
While (not) doing math, Bulldozer drew a picture to illustrate how he thought the brain works — lots of gears, in case you were wondering. So I loaded up a brief video on how the brain really works because I’ve learned if I want him to refocus I have to let him answer the questions […]
Protecting children from abuse and neglect is a serious duty, and there is no doubt that the authorities who are charged with that duty have no easy job. But what rights do government authorities have over our children when abuse and neglect aren’t at issue? Today in my Washington Times Communities Pages column, I look […]
I’ve been battling a nasty cold for the past week or so. This morning, it sucker punched me by taking my voice. Great. For my girls, this won’t be too big of a deal. I’ve instructed them through elaborate interpretive dance to keep their cell phones handy so I can text them. I can answer […]
This is our 9th year of homeschooling, if you count kindergarten. Of course, as any parent can tell you, kids start learning in utero and turn their wide eyes toward the sound of daddy’s voice the moment they hear it unfiltered by the lub-lub of mom’s heart. Then there’s the walking and talking and shoving […]
This past weekend we spent a lot of time organizing our homeschool stuff and throwing out a lot of old papers. OLD papers. Papers that originated in Virginia, where we haven’t lived since February 2007. Out with the old, in with …well, not a lot new. I guess technically I’m “planning” our upcoming school year, […]
Over the course of two years, we’re studying American history in our homeschool. We’ve been stuck Lewis and Clark for what seems like forever because of travel and camp and convention. Honestly, I haven’t minded because it’s such a fascinating adventure. A couple of years ago, I read Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose and was […]