We’re calling this week a do-over, a grace week, a “did anyone get the plates on that truck that just hit us” week. After a bit of a rough start, I had to go out of town last week to attend a funeral. While my husband performed admirably as my homeschool sub, my absence did set us back a bit and uncovered some cracks that I hadn’t previously noticed. Like when the girls don’t understand something, they should actually tell me instead of soldiering on. (Or throwing a fit, reactions may vary.) Because it’s all about the actual learning, not about checking assignments off the blasted list.
Calming breaths.
Years ago, I read about a company that sent trappers into the heart of North America back when that meant you were gone for months or even years. The explorers would first travel only a few miles from their companies base, set up camp, and make sure everything was actually squared away — from supplies to companions — before heading out beyond all hope of assistance. I feel a little like that’s what’s happening here. Technically, the assignments are all on the books for the week, but in reality, we’re going be stopping and doing some repacking. We’re making sure everyone is truly on the same page and understands where we’re going and how we’re going to get there. It’s also critical that everyone understands the proper procedure in case of emergency. (It’s “Give mama more coffee,” if you were wondering.) So if we only get to half of our scheduled work for the week — or none of it — but can reload and head in the same direction with the same purpose, then I call it a win.
Have you ever felt the need to stop a journey at the beginning to re-evaluate? Have you ever felt you should have stopped?
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