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Technically, I survived

How did the first week of school go?



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I think the thing I realize we need most is grace. Grace for each other and grace for ourselves when it all goes cattywampus. And grace for the obnoxiously loud library patrons whom I wanted to throw my shoe at. I’m still working on that last one. Part of this adjustment is moving from the idealized version of events that exists in my head to reality. The reality is my son is easily distracted and the library is the most happening place on the planet, apparently. So we need to adjust. The idealized is that we’ll move through our work in the more than ample time allotted. The reality is an early morning fist fight will not only throw off the schedule but is not conducive to an educational atmosphere, as the experts say. The idealized that my girls will do all that they ought with little guidance from me. The reality is Romans 7. The idealized is that I will have the energy and time to meet every educational, physical, and emotional need of four children and still have a hot dinner on the table at 6pm. The reality is BWHAHAHAHAHA.

So we’re adjusting. And we’ll probably keep adjusting right up until the time summer starts again. It’s the circle of life.

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