
Terrible Tuesday

My 9 year old daughter decided to give herself a hair cut. Now her bangs are 1″ long and crooked. Yep, it’s Tuesday.

(I thought she grew out of this at 3. Aren’t they supposed to grow out of this?)


I found a yummy blueberry muffin recipe today, so that’s a plus.

But… you thought the (not yet deflated) housing bubble was bad? Check out the higher education bubble. (Please let it pop before my kids get to college! Please, please, please!)

This is an interesting article on Christians reading the Harry Potter books (pro-Potter.) Just an aside, if you want to debate this topic on this blog, you will do it calmly and rationally, avoiding ad hominem attacks or disparaging the motivations of people who disagree with you, or I will club you like a baby seal. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

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This story on the success of the Khan Academy points out the inherent inability of institutionalized schools to deal adequately with the vast variety in skills and abilities. They’re factories putting out widgets, not places of learning educating people.

Economists Thomas Sowell points out the practical drawbacks of the “tax the rich out of fiscal disaster” argument. With facts, even.

This is a great post on sacrifice and achieving your goals.

This is from Cracked, so language warning: “The 6 most amazing military raids of all time.”

And finally, this Homeschoolers Declaration of Independence is beautiful. I may get it tattooed on my arms. Or print it out and stick it in my binder.

One response to “Terrible Tuesday”

  1. MBernadetteE Avatar

    I’m a few weeks behind (apologies) but I must say… I had a self-hair-cutting addiction for a long while. My mom had to actually hide the scissors. You should see the photos. Eep. Grew out of it at some point, but now that I’m 22 and all partially-adult-and-stuff, I’ve decided to back to self-bang-trimming because I’m poor. ::shrug:: At least when it looks terrible, I know to blame myself! 🙂

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