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Terrible Tuesday

Today is the first day of the “full schedule Tuesday” that will run through the beginning of November. Occupational therapy, Girl Scouts, softball. And it’s not actually the “full schedule,” next week could add a tee ball and/or a baseball game to the mix.

Terrible Tuesday, indeed.


On the topic of education, Seth Godin writes about our wrong schools.  (John Taylor Gatto writes on the same topic. I highly recommend his works, especially the Underground History of American Education.)

Related to the above, were Colonial Americans more literate than Americans today?

An Open Letter to High School Freshmen, one I wish I had read at 18.

Another effect of opioid is on the reproductive system-erectile dysfunction in males and orgasming issues in females. order cheap cialis When administered, it leads to increased cheap cialis overnight muscle repair, but not only that – also new muscle growth. Because penile rings come in various materials, tensions, Full Article viagra store in canada and sizes, it can be exciting for exploring what is the best penile ring for you. The standard options include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, nerve blocks injected in the pelvic area, and drugs used to treat erection problems viagra 100mg sales in men. And finally, on the education front, the Common Room has the Carnival of Homeschooling.

Five of the hundreds of Texas laws now in effect.

Mark Steyn addresses two declines: economic and cultural.

Examples of  both found in this one story. (No, that’s not Onion. That’s Union. Sigh.)

Last week, I linked to Kathryn Jean Lopez’s article on the lack of compassion of some “pro-lifers.” Another pro-lifer speaks to the same issue, “How Can We Change Hearts and Save Lives?

Finally, Ephesians wordled. Thanks, Matt!

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