It’s baking day! Pecan pie, apple pie, French Silk pie, and cranberry bread are on the agenda. We’ll also be participating in the greatest of all Thanksgiving traditions: exploding cranberries.
Preparatory links!
We saw Day of the Doctor on the big screen last night. It. Was. Awesome. Take a quiz to find out which Doctor your are. I’m the 8th Doctor. Huh.
Mike Rowe’s parents are awesome. Happy anniversary, folks.
If states were based on equal population. Of course, this applies to current population levels, not future levels.
Longish, but excellent article by Michael Totten on Cuba. It’s heartbreaking, really.
Spaced-Out Challenge: ALL THE PLANETS! I really hope it clears up so we can see them.
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Cracked has 19 home remedies that really work. And I don’t even have to give a language warning.
This is both awesome and wrong. People recreate childhood photos. Really didn’t need the diaper realism, guys.
America’s longest married couple celebrates their 81st anniversary. Too much awwww.
Mamas, prepare your hankies.
3 Queens from Matt Bieler on Vimeo.
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