Feast, that is. January 6 is the Feast of the Epiphany, the celebration of the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus. Or more likely toddler Jesus, who must have been thrilled with Frankincense. We normally try to have some sort of feast with friends, but we’ve been having trouble with lift-off the past couple of years. This year, we were set to have friends over, but they’re sick. It’s most likely just a cold, which is normally no big deal. But I’m going to help my parents while my mom has a surgery, so I’m trying to avoid sickness.
Isolated feasting links!
Just what were those wise guys following anyway? Here’s an interesting take: The Science of the “Christmas Star.”
My friend Erika pointed out this great book Journey to Gameland, (af) a book written by a kid that teaches other kids how to make boardgames based on their favorite books. How cool is that! Erika also points to Bare Books for game pieces, although you can probably make your own.
Speaking of books for kids, this is an interesting book of suggested literature by grade. I like the list, but I don’t really pay attention to the grade breakdown. For example, my girl are reading the Odyssey, Iliad, and Aeneid this year, because that’s where we are in history. And while we’ve read the vast majority of the books for the younger ages, I’m not going to stress too much if we don’t hit every last one of those in high school and middle school. I’m trying to give them a love of literature, not make sure they check off every book on the list.
Related: Read literature to learn and love the truth.
Also speaking of books, Tolkien was more than an author, he was also an artist.
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Okay, no more books.
Make your own liquid soap! I mostly got off the “make your own” cleaning supplies kick, but hand soap is expensive and Satchmo is a little obsessive about hand washing, so I’m giving this a shot.
Paper-thin, printable light paper. Whoa. Imagine the possibilities.
The most googled phrase by state. We are a nation of weirdos.
Cool artists rendering of the rings of Saturn. More at the link.
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