I stepped off a step wrong and did something to my ankle. I don’t think it’s sprained because it isn’t swollen. Pulled my Achilles tendon maybe? Achilles, you scurvy dog. Whatever it is, it both hurts and hinders my ability to get around. And I really need to be able to get on Tuesdays, especially election day/Lego day Tuesdays. Call me Grace. Sigh.
Frustrated links!
What cursive does for the brain. Good things. Which is why it’s frustrating that most public schools have phased it out. People talk about how they never use cursive, but I use it all the time. I can’t imagine not knowing how to write it.
What to do when someone is mean to your child. For a lot of reasons, this really hit home for me. I don’t know if I agree with all of it, but I certainly understand where she’s coming from and the desire “to go PX90” on anyone being mean to my kid.
All the deaths in Shakespeare in little symbol people. What do we call those guys?
The man who burst the self-esteem bubble. Except it doesn’t really seem burst to me. Interesting read, nonetheless.
Latin words and phrases every man should know. Women ought to know these, too, but it’s from the Art of Manliness site, and they’ve got a schtick.
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Why Christians should go see Noah.
Amazing story about a man I was privileged to work for many years ago.
Dear Australia, you’re freaking me out.
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