I’m very busy, and very tired, and I kinda just want to do this.
Alas, I do not have a box big enough for me to curl up in. Sigh.
A photo essay of children from around the world and their most prized possessions. What would be in your photograph?
Reviews of math apps for Kindle Fire and android, and a little of both.
A tech reporter gets swatted. This is a disturbing crime, sometimes (though probably not in this case) perpetrated by kids. It’s probably only a matter of time before someone is killed.
Sex in the sermon. If it makes you uncomfortable, imagine how the pastor must feel. Still, I’m thankful for expository preaching that doesn’t let us skip the messy stuff.
Five myths about bible translation. I’ve long been interested in the English translations of the Bible. I actually did my senior research paper on the King James Version in high school.
How beer gave us civilization. Countered by how caffeine gave us the industrial revolution.
99 Life Hacks to make your life easier. Lots of good tips in this, and a few that make me scratch my head.
How to get along for 500 days alone together. Even though the couple was alone for about half that time, and the circumstances aren’t ones the average couple will face, there’s a lot of good application here for anyone’s marriage.
If you’re looking for a nightmare, I’ve got some source material: a bat-eating spider.
I made this red velvet cake, but didn’t get to eat any. Then someone said it was one of the best red velvet cake they’d eaten. You can all feel sad for me now.
You know what’s scary? I don’t think they’re done adding to the stack.
via Althouse, a forest year. Puuuurty.
And finally, this week’s Kid Snippet. Aaaaauuuuuugggghhhh….
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