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Terrible Tuesday: stick a fork in 2013

Anyone else glad to see this year in  the rear view?

Space links!

Did you get a telescope for Christmas? Are you wondering, “What now?” Well, wonder no more! The Spaced-Out Challenge tells you how and where to begin exploring the universe.

Sign up for alerts from NASA to see when the space station flies over your house.

Why 2013 gave us reason to care about space again. Well, some of us never stopped caring about space. Also, that’s a Cracked link, so standard language and general tackiness warnings apply. (Although this is pretty mild for them.)

One . . . two . . . three!
tootsie pop
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Is the One Child Policy Finished — and Was it a Failure? Perspectives on the devastating policy that has brutalized and killed millions. However, don’t think the Chinese government still isn’t forcibly aborting and sterilizing women, including children about to be born.

How would you respond if your picture became a subject of mockery and attacks on the internet? I hope I’d be like this lady, “When this picture was posted overnight, I was content lying in the arms of my love, having just seen a band and eaten a great meal — a night filled with laughs, and these posters were making fun of a stranger on the Internet.”

We say we love animals for their companionship, but I think we really love them for their entertainment value.

Great commercial that doesn’t make the dad look like an idiot. That’s a pathetically low standard, but this really is a brilliant commercial.


2 responses to “Terrible Tuesday: stick a fork in 2013”

  1. Cindy Watson Avatar
    Cindy Watson

    Love the owl picture and the commercial. One of the links about China doesn’t work. Happy New year!

    1. April Avatar

      Aren’t those great? I think the link is messed up at their end, not mine. But I’ll see if I can find a fix because it is an interesting article with both Chinese and non-Chinese observers giving their thoughts.

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